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Saturday 8 September 2012
The First Promotional Success

The First Promotional Success

Alexander Graham Bell fiancée Mabel Hubbard was the indirect source of the start of the Bell Telephone Company commercial success after its creation the phone. The U.S. Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, recently called Bell invented as featured in the world. Exhibition judges Emperor Dom Pedro II of the Empire of Brazil and the eminent British physicist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) recommended its appliance electrical Scholarship Committee, which voted the gold Bell for electrical equipment helping to propel him to international fame. Bell also won a second gold medal for his display additional exposure, visible speech developed earlier by his equally famous father, Alexander Melville Bell.

Swivel at the end, in moments evening after the main group of judges and journalists had tired quickly looked up and the screen derided Bell's telephone, the Emperor Dom Pedro, who was scattered entered Education Building Bell of the fair where both screens were located. As the main group began to move to the next part to be examined, Dom Pedro came on the screen and shouted to Bell in his booming voice: "What are you doing here" The emperor had met Bell Boston earlier when visiting schools for the deaf in the United States.

Surprised by the enthusiastic response of the Emperor Bell phone demonstration during which the emperor exclaimed: "My God! He speaks! "The crowd of judges and members of the press became excited and competed in turn communicate with Bell on his invention.

Ironically, Bell, who was then a full-time teacher, had not even planned on presenting the show due to his heavy teaching schedule and exam preparation pupil. He went to Philadelphia as the stern insistence Mabel Hubbard, his wife and then fiancée and future who was an expert multilingual reads lips, deaf since the age of five years.

Mabel had understood Bell's reluctance to go to the exhibition and display his works, so she secretly bought a train ticket to Philadelphia, took his bag, then took the unconscious Bell Boston train station where she told her shocked he was engaged travel. When Bell began to argue, Mabel turned her gaze away from him and literally becomes deaf to his protests.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 15:36  

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