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Saturday 8 September 2012
First division of the Company's shares of Bell

First Division Of The Company Shares Of Bell

At the time of the organization of the Bell Telephone Company (also known as the Bell) as a limited company in 1877 by Hubbard, who became the de facto president and trustee, 5,000 shares were issued in total

>>>Gardiner Greene Hubbard (trustee and chairman): 1397 shares, as well as

>>>Gertrude McC. Hubbard (probably Gertrude Mercer
McCurdy Hubbard, wife of Gardiner Hubbard): 100 shares

>>>Charles Eustis Hubbard (probably the nephew of Gardiner Hubbard): 10 shares

>>>Alexander Graham Bell (inventor and company formally electrician leader): 1,497 shares

>>>Thomas Sanders (Financial Officer and Treasurer): 1,497 shares

>>>Thomas Watson (Director of Operations): 499 shares

Two days after the formation of the company, July 11, 1877, Bell married Mabel Hubbard's daughter Gardiner Hubbard, and made a wedding gift of 1487 shares his plot to his new wife, keeping only 10 shares for itself. Bell and his wife left shortly after for a European tour that lasted over a year, during which Mabel has left his actions with his father as a proxy.

Alexander Graham Bell ten shares of the Bell Telephone Company was later converted into one share of the Company American Bell Telephone and later still two actions of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. AT & T President Frederick fish would then revert to single Bell Bell American Telephone Company shares to him as a souvenir after being converted and canceled.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 15:32  

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