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Saturday 8 September 2012
In Popular Culture

In Popular Culture

>>>From 1940 to 1968, the company has sponsored the Bell Telephone Hour on NBC radio and (later) television. The program was devoted to concerts by various singers and musicians.

>>>Steven Spielberg "film in 1982 by ET the Extra-Terrestrial includes a scene where the title character watching a television ad for the Bell System, prompting the famous phrase:" ET phone home! "Later that same year, the character first appeared in one of the Bell AND "Reach out and touch someone" ads.

>>>At the climax of the 1967 film satire analyst Speaker, it is revealed that "The Company Telephone" (TPC) - an obvious allusion to Bell Telephone - provides a massive conspiracy to surgically implant communications devices into the brains of its customers . It also includes a propaganda film that parodies TPC-product the Bell laboratory Science Series, Frank Capra products for Bell Laboratories in the 1950.

>>>The Beastie Boys Bell Telephone alluded to in their song "Sure Shot" and "Get It Together" off the 1994 album Ill Communication ending song with the repeated line, "Ma Bell, I got the Ill Communication" .
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 15:16  

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