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Saturday 8 September 2012
Bell Telephone Company

Bell Telephone Company

The Bell Telephone Company, the common law corporation, was organized in Boston, Massachusetts July 9, 1877 by Alexander Graham Bell father-in-law Gardiner Greene Hubbard, who also helped organize a sister company - New England telephone and Telegraph Company. The Bell Telephone Company was launched on the basis of the organization of "potentially valuable patents", mainly Bell Telephone main patent # 174465.

The two companies merged February 17, 1879 to form two new entities, the national telephone company Bell, of Boston, and the International Society for Bell Telephone, soon after introduced by Hubbard and had its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium . Theodore Vail then took over its operations at the time, became a central figure of its rapid growth and commercial success.

The National Bell Telephone Company then merged with other March 20, 1880 to form the American Bell Telephone Company, also of Boston, Massachusetts.

Since its inception, the Bell Telephone Company was organized with Hubbard as "trustee", though it was more his facto president since he also controlled by his daughter by proxy, and Thomas Sanders, the main funder as treasurer. The American Bell Telephone Company later became the American Telephone & Telegraph Company (AT & T), sometimes the biggest telephone company
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 15:19  

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