Mobile A Mobile
Sunday 9 September 2012
See Also

See Also

>>>American Telephone & Telegraph

>>>Bell, Alexander Graham

>>>Bell Telephone Company of Canada, founded in 1880 after its predecessor was sold by Graham Bell's father, Alexander Melville Bell, The Bell Telephone Company of National

>>>Bell, Mabel Hubbard, wife of Alexander Graham Bell.

>>>Bell System, a name and a trademark used previously by AT & T.

>>>Bell Telephone Memorial, a large memorial dedicated to Walter Allard invention of the telephone

>>>Hubbard, Gardiner Greene

>>>Bell Telephone Company International, the European division
of the Bell Telephone

>>>Regional Bell Operating Companies, which were sold in the

>>>Bell System in 1984

>>>Phone case, numerous court cases challenging the validity of patents Bell

>>>Watson, Thomas Augustus, Assistant Bell

>>>Western Electric, Bell co-founded by early rival Elisha Gray, acquired by the rival of Bell Western Union, and finally acquired by the Bell Telephone Company, he became the arm of the Bell key manufacturing, which allows its rapid expansion across the continent.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 05:31  

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