Mobile A Mobile
Thursday 30 August 2012
Telephone Patents


>>>U.S. 174,465 - Telegraphy (Bell's first telephone patent) - Alexander Graham Bell

>>>U.S. 186,787 - Telegraphy supply (permanent magnet receiver) - Alexander Graham Bell

>>>U.S. 474,230 - Talking Telegraph (transmitter graphite) - Thomas Edison

>>>U.S. 203,016 - Telephone Talking (carbon transmitter button) - Thomas Edison

>>>U.S. 222,390 - Telephone carbon (carbon granules transmitter) - Thomas Edison

>>>U.S. 485,311 - Telephone (solid back carbon transmitter) - Anthony C. Cell White (Bell engineer) This design was used until 1925 and installed were used until 1940.

>>>U.S. 3,449,750 - Duplex Radio Communication AND APPARATUS Signalling - GH Sweigert

>>>U.S. 3,663,762 - Cellular Mobile Communication System - Amos Edward Joel (Bell Labs)

>>>U.S. 3,906,166 - Telephone Radio System (DynaTAC mobile phone) - Martin Cooper et al. (Motorola)
See also
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 17:53  

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