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Monday 17 September 2012


1. Abcdefghij Whitaker, AJ Bell Telephone Memorial, City of Brantford / Hurley print in Brantford, Ontario, 1944.

2. a b c Osborne, Harold S. (1943) Brief biographical Alexander Graham Bell, National Academy of Sciences: Biographical Memoirs, vol. XXIII, 1847-1922. Presented to the Academy at its annual meeting in 1943.

3. A b c Walter S. Allward Collection: Finding, Museum of Fine Arts of Canada website. Retrieved April 26, 2012.

4. Abcd Bell Monument, site, accessed March 27, 2012.

5. Abcd Marquis, TG Brantford, City Telephone, Grand Brantford Expositor, pp.13-14, 20, 1909.

6. Patten, William, Bell, Alexander Melville. telephone pioneer in Canada, Montreal: Herald Press, 1926. (Note: the full name was William Patten Patten, Patten Gulielmus not credited elsewhere)

7. MacLeod, Elizabeth. Alexander Graham Bell: An Inventive Life. Toronto: Kids Can Press, 1999, p.14. ISBN 1-55074-456-9.

8. Sharpe, Robert; Canadian Military Heritage Museum. Soldiers and warriors volunteer militia early in Brant County: 1856-1866, Brantford, ON: Canadian Military Heritage Museum, 1998, p. 80, ref. Citation No. 142 and 143, which in turn cites:
Field, FA "The Telephone Factory First," Blue Bell (magazine), The Bell Telephone Company of Canada, January 1931. Retrieved April 22, 2012.

9. Reville 1920, p.322.

10. Prevey, Harry W. (Ed.) Collins, Larry. electricity, medium magic, Thornhill, ON: IEEE Canadian Region, 1985, p. 4, ISBN 0-9692316-0-1.

11. Ibbotson, Heather. city ​​has lost many historic buildings, Brantford Expositor, April 5, 2012.

12. Ab The inflated values ​​automatically calculated.

13. "Monument proposed inventor of the telephone: Unusual Honor" New San Jose evening, November 1, 1907, p.8.

14. "Birth Telephone Memorial", Gisborne, New Zealand: Poverty Bay Herald (Gisborne Herald), Volume XXXIV, No. 10963, May 4, 1907, p.3.

15. Muir, Gary. Bits and Pieces of History Brantford: The family history Cockshutt Retrieved from, April 24, 2012.

16. A b c Brant Historical Society. The inauguration of the Memorial Bell in Brantford, Ontario, October twenty-fourth, 1917 (transcription), Brantford, ON: ordered by Judge Alexander D. Hardy Bell Memorial Association, on behalf of the Brant Historical Society, 1917. Retrieved from March 27, 2012.

17. A b c d Ball, Vincent. The Industrial Architect and Home Boy, Brantford, ON Brantford Expositor, December 27, 2009. Retrieved from April 23, 2012.

18. A b c d Ruby, Michelle. Bell Homestead Descendants place to celebrate Centennial, Brantford Expositor, July 26, 2010. Retrieved April 25, 2012.

19. Elgin Balfour Foundation. The sampler A Book About Brantford, Elgin Balfour Foundation, Moyer Printing Co. Ltd., 1977 [March 1979] (MS Word document), pp. 69-71.

20. Marshall, Barbara Ruth. Sir Edmund Walker, Servant of Canada (thesis), Department of History, University of
British Columbia, June 1971.

21. McMeal, Harry B. Unveiling of Memorial Bell in Brantford, Ontario, California. , Telephony, Telephone Pub. Corp., 1917, Volume 73, p.21.

22. Abc The Globe ", the inventor of the telephone confirms the claim Brantford," Toronto: The Globe (Globe & Mail), 25 October 1917, p.5.

23. Bruce, Robert V. Bell: Alexander Bell and the conquest of solitude. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1990, pp.482-483. ISBN 0-8014-9691-8.

24. Reville 1920, p.311.

25. "Canada in the Journal," Vancouver Daily Sun, November 18, 1917.

26. Raymond, AND Brantford, The Telephone City, Brantford War Memorial Association.

27. A b Allward, Model WS-Sketch No. 8: Sketch Description Model Accompaniment Project Memorial Bell Telephone (Allward description of the model), undated. Retrieved from April 14, 2012. (MS Word document)

28. Brantford Expositor. "War Veteran sees for the first time Figure Bell Memorial He had asked for," Brantford Expositor, May 4, 1946.

29. Reville, F. Douglas. History of the County of Brant: Illustrated with fifty Halftone Taken From miniatures and photographs, Brantford, ON: Brant Historical Society, printing Hurley, 1920. Retrieved from May 4, 2012

30. A Graham Bell Telephone Memorial, Nature, vol. 101, 6.5, 7 March 1918, DOI: 10.1038/101005b0.

31. Judd, David. It Could Have Been So Much More different Brantford Expositor, September 22, 1990, pp. A5-A6.

32. "CAN sculptor Allward honored for his public monuments," Canadian Press, 16 August 2010.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 12:49  

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