Mobile A Mobile
Sunday 16 September 2012


The memorial was one of the most impressive monuments of the time in Canada to describe distances on Earth is "devastated" by the phone. Style allegorical figures of the monument represents several aspects of phone use in the world.

Its most striking feature is its large main panel in cast bronze, about seven and a half meters wide and two and a half meters high, which depict ".... the elusive dream of the young inventor Inspiration whispering in man's power to transmit sound through space. Three ephemeral ghostly figures, two of which are expressed in mid-relief and a top (alto-rilievo) relief portraying knowledge, Joy and Sorrow, transmitted to humans by the phone. Two "heroic" figures flanking the wide staircase leading to the monument symbolizes humanity sending and receiving a message.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 16:42  

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