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Sunday 16 September 2012
The human model, the transmission of sound through space

The human model, the transmission of sound through space

The model of "man, discovering its power to transmit sound through space" was Cyril George William Kinsella (1897-1960), a wounded war veteran and a former resident of Brantford. Kinsella served as a model representing Allward naked man after being seriously wounded in the European conflict. Born in the United Kingdom, it became one of the approximately 100,000 disadvantaged children and orphans British "children at home," sent to Canada and other Commonwealth countries to find a better life in the end 19th and early 20th century. following his arrival in Ontario in 1908, he lived in a series of houses Fegan (named after James William Condell Fegan Britain), including one in Toronto, where he met Allward probably later. Kinsella finally settled in Brantford County farm work. Minor, but healthy 178 cm (5 '10 ") in height, in 1914, he enlisted in Brantford Dufferin Rifles Battalion service overseas where he fought in Belgium and France with the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War

Kinsella was injured and in shock at the Second Battle of Ypres, France and, after being reformed and discharged back to Canada in 1916, worked as a model Allward. He then became bored with civilian life and reenlisted in the Canadian Army. He served with the 1st Canadian Division, fourth battalion near the northern village of Sainte-Marie French Chappell at the inauguration of the monument in Brantford, and later returned to Canada at the end of the war.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 16:47  

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