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Tuesday 18 September 2012
posthumous tributes

posthumous tributes

>>>Bell's death at his funeral, ".... every phone on the continent of North America was silenced in honor of the man who had given to mankind the means direct communication at a distance "

>>>When he learned of his death, Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King cabled Mrs. Bell, saying: "[The Government expresses] to you our sense of loss of the world in the death of your husband distinguished. It will never be a source of pride for our country that the great invention, with which his name is associated immortal, is a part of its history. On behalf of the citizens of Canada, let me send you the combined expression of our gratitude and sympathy. "

>>>U.S. President Warren Harding also telegrammed Mrs. Bell, saying: "The announcement of the death of your husband has learned a great shock to me. Like all his compatriots, I learned to revere as one of the greatest benefactors .... and among prominent Americans of all generations. He cried, and be honored by mankind everywhere as that used widely, tirelessly and effectively "

>>>A large number of Bell's writings, notebooks, papers and other documents have been established in the United States Library of Congress Manuscript Division, as documents Alexander Graham Bell family. The collection is currently available for viewing online;

>>>Another large collection of documents from Bell to reside at the Alexander Graham Bell Institute at the University of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia;

>>>The bel (B), and the smallest in decibels (dB), units of measurement of sound intensity were invented by Bell Labs, and were named in his honor. The units are widely used in science, technology and engineering (1937)

>>>The United States Post Office Department issued a commemorative postage stamp of 10 cents Bell, part of its' Famous Americans Series "of 1940. This particular stamp was so popular that it sold in a short time and became, and is to date the most valuable stamp in this series.

>>>The United States Merchant Marine ship SS Alexander Graham Bell (Hull # 583) was launched and commissioned for service in World War II (18 October 1942);
The Telephone Pioneers of America has dedicated a plaque on the wall of the school and Franklin Streets at 13 K NW in Washington, DC, honoring Bell's invention of the Photophone, the precursor fiber optic communication, and that called his greatest invention, the plate read.:
"From the top floor of this building was sent • June 3, 1880 • More than a beam of light to the street in 1325" L "• The first wireless telephone message • In the history of the world. • The apparatus used in sending the message • Has the Photophone invented by Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone • • • This plaque was placed here by • Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Pioneers of America Chapter • ... ", (1947)

>>>The Hall of Fame inductees for Great Americans by 70 votes Bell (1950)

>>>The Salem, MA Essex Institute presented a plaque (originally dedicated in 1922) honoring Alexander Graham Bell and his supporters financial Brown Thomas and Mary Ann Sanders at the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, located on Essex Street on the YMCA building (1958)

>>>At age 19, Bell wrote a report on his studies of resonance tuning and sent it to philologist Alexander Ellis, a colleague of his father. Ellis would later be portrayed as Professor Henry Higgins in George Bernard Shaw's famous play, Pygmalion in 1913. Pygmalion was later adapted into the Oscar-winning film My Fair Lady, where in tribute to the work of Bell teaching the deaf to speak, the central character of the film, Professor Higgins (played by the famous actor Rex Harrison) refers to the use of "Bell Visible Speech" (1964).

>>>The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) dedicated to him as a member for his pioneering work in aviation vast (1965)

>>>The International Astronomical Union (IAU) has named a crater on the Moon Bell, in his honor (1970)

Canada Post issued a stamp eight hundred commemorative issue July 26, 1974, honoring the centenary of the invention of the telephone to the parent of Bell, Melville House, now called the Bell Homestead National Historic Site. The stamp features three phones: a (then) modern Contempra phone by Nortel, a much earlier candlestick phone earlier Bell very experimental model of 1875, the phone Gallows (1974);

>>>The National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) inducted as a member of Bell, describing his works: ... Bell's inventive genius is represented only in part by the 18 patents granted in his name alone and the 12 he shared with his collaborators. These include 14 for the telephone and telegraph, four for the cameraphone, one for the phonograph, five for aerial vehicles, four for hydroairplanes and two for a selenium cell (1974)

>>>The IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal was created in his honor by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (currently sponsored by the Labs, Alcatel-Lucent Bell), annually awarded an outstanding contribution in the field of telecommunications (1976 )

>>>Parks Canada recognizes the park on a site within the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic has in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, which contains the Alexander Graham Bell Museum opened earlier in 1956, not far from the Bell estate, Beinn Bhreagh (1976)

>>>The Royal Bank of Scotland issued a £ 1 ticket Memorial to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Graham Bell. [65] The illustrations on the reverse of the note include Bell's face in profile, his signature and objects life and career Bell: telephone users throughout the ages, an audio wave signal, a scheme a telephone receiver, geometric shapes of engineering structures, representations of sign language and the phonetic alphabet, the geese which helped him to understand; flight and sheep which he studied to understand genetics (March 3 1997)

>>>Canada honored Bell with a CAD $ 100 gold coin in honor of the 150th anniversary of his birth (1997) and a piece of a silver dollar commemorating the 100th anniversary of aviation in Canada ( 2009)

>>>Walk of Fame in Toronto, Ontario, winner of a particular star Bell under its new "Innovators" category. "L'étoile (photo right), a former model phone engraved in its center, is located on Simcoe Street, Toronto (2001)

>>>The Ontario Member of Parliament, MPP Dave Levac, and the descendants of Bell, dedicated Brant County section Provincial Highway 403 as "The Alexander Graham Bell Parkway" as well as a outdoor stage called the "Bell Heritage Stage" in Brantford, Ontario (2005)

>>>Google has created a special page on his birthday, with links to the websites of information about him (2008)

>>>Canada has also established the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site, which includes the Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck, Nova Scotia;

>>>Many other countries have also issued coins, both nominal and secondary, as well as stamps dedicated to him and his inventions. Among the news are multiple issues final stamp and commemorative both Canada and the United States.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 17:54  

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