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Tuesday 18 September 2012
Major Awards And Tributes

major awards and tributes

>>>Chief George Henry Martin Johnson (Onwanonsyshon) of the Aboriginal Mohawk Six Nations Reserve, near Bell's home in Brantford, Ontario awarded him the title of Honorary Chief for his work in translating the unwritten Mohawk language into Visible Speech symbols ( c. 1870),

>>>The National Association of Teachers of the Deaf Bell elects its President (1874)

>>>The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office awarded Bell the telephone master patent, No. 174,465, dated March 7, 1876. He becomes the fundamental asset of the Bell Telephone Company, which later became AT & T, sometimes the biggest telephone company. The patent is considered by many as the most valuable ever issued in the history (1876)

>>>The U.S. Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia called newly created Bell a headline around the world a few months after it was patented. Among the judges of the show were the notables Emperor Dom Pedro II of the Empire of Brazil and the eminent British physicist William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin made). Hearing the voice of Bell through the telephone receiver, the emperor deemed exclaimed: "My God, He speaks" Thomson and Emperor Pedro, who was equally surprised that the phone could 'talk' Portuguese subsequently recommended the device to power Scholarship Committee, which voted Bell gold medal for electrical equipment. Bell also won a second gold medal for his display additional Visible Speech at the exposure, and also won a $ 100 phones Emperor Pedro for his country. Ironically, while Bell-employed full-time as both a private tutor and as a professor at the University of Boston hadn ' t expected to attend the show due to his busy work schedule, and left Boston at the last minute to attend the exhibition at the insistence of his back then-girlfriend and future wife, Mabel Hubbard , aged 18 years. may Dom Pedro view of the invention at the fair was instrumental rewards and Bell won world titles in helping gain acceptance of public telephone (1876 )

>>>The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Bell one elected member of the Academy (1877) [8]

>>>Bell was awarded the James Watt silver medal for the phone of the Royal Society of Cornwall Polytechnic (1877)

>>>The Massachusetts Association of Charitable Mechanic (aka Association mechanics of Boston) was awarded two gold medals in Bell, as an exhibitor No. 626 recorded in the New England Telephone Company of Boston, MA, both for telephone and Visible Speech, matching the results of the Centennial Exposition held in Philadelphia two years earlier (1878)

>>>The Society of Arts in London awarded him his first Royal Albert medal, a silver medal for his article on the phone (1878)

>>>The third Paris World's Fair, called Expo, awarded Bell (with Elisha Gray and Thomas Edison) Grand Prix for the telephone (1878)

>>>Gallaudet College, chartered earlier than the Columbia Institution for the Deaf, and then called the National College deaf in Washington, DC received an honorary doctorate Bell "in recognition of his work for the Deaf" (1880)

>>>The French Academy, which is the French government awarded Bell the Volta Prize with a purse of 50,000 francs (about $ 10,000) for the invention of the telephone (1880). Given that Bell was richer, he used his earnings to create endowment funds (the 'Volta Fund') and institutions in and around the capital of the United States in Washington, DC. They included the prestigious' Volta Laboratory Association '(1880), also known as the "Volta Laboratory' and 'Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory', and the creation of the Volta Bureau (1887) as a study center deafness. The Volta Laboratory became an experimental facility funded permanently dedicated to scientific discovery, and the following year invented a wax phonograph cylinder that was later used by Thomas Edison,

>>>The President of the Third French Republic, Jules Grevy, on the recommendation of his Minister of Foreign Affairs Jules Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire and presentations of the Minister of Posts and Telegraphs Louis Cochery Bell distinction designated by an "officer of the Legion of Honour '(Légion d'honneur) by decree 10 November 1881, in recognition of his inventions (1881)

                                  Decree granting Helmholtz, Bell and Edison, the Legion of Honor

>>>The Society for Arts questions their second silver medal of the Royal Albert him for his article on his proudest achievement, the Photophone, invented a year earlier (1881)

>>>The University of Würzburg, Bavaria granted honorary Bell (PhD) (1882).

>>>The National Academy of Sciences elected as a member of Bell (1883)

>>>The American Institute of Electrical Engineers, which preceded the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Bell elected as one of its vice-presidents founders, and later raised its president (1884 and President from 1891 to 1892)

>>>Rupert Charles University of Heidelberg, Germany awarded him an honorary doctorate in medicine, Bell's invention of a metal detector ultrasound used in order to save the life of President James Abram Garfield (1886)

>>>The American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) has appointed its Chairman Bell (1891-1892)

>>>Harvard University awarded him an honorary doctorate "degrees of Laws (LL.D.) (1896)

>>>Illinois College awarded him a doctorate in law degree (1896): Note: there are two different years cited for that degree college data is displayed.

>>>The National Geographic Society has appointed president (1898-1903)

>>>The U.S. Senate gave him several appointments as a regent of the famous Smithsonian Institution (1898-1924)

>>>The Washington Academy of Sciences, founded by a group of scientists that included Samuel Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the elected President of Bell (c.1900)

>>>The U.S. Census Bureau has appointed a special office to determine the extent of the twelfth census apply to the deaf in the United States (1900)

>>>The Society of Arts in London, England, he was awarded the Albert Medal for his invention of the telephone (1902)

>>>University of St Andrew Bell received a Ph.D. degree (Ph.D.) (1902)

>>>The University of Edinburgh awarded him an honorary degree Doctor of Laws degree (1906)

>>>Oxford University awarded him an honorary doctorate degree Doctor of Science (DSc / ScD) (1906)

>>>The American Association of engineering societies he was awarded the John Fritz Medal (1907)

>>>Bell and four other members of the Aerial Experiment Association are awarded the Science Prize for American airplane flight First public than one kilometer from the United States (1908)

>>>Queen University in Kingston, Ontario, presented a honorary doctorate "degrees of Laws (LL.D.) to him (1909)

>>>The Bell Homestead Museum, "part of the site of Bell Homestead National Historic Site, is a first-time home of the Bell family in North America and the site where Bell invented the telephone in the summer of 1874, was opened to the public in 1910. The farm, carriage house and main building, Melville House were previously obtained from its last private owner by the Bell Telephone Memorial Association in 1909. The site has also added later Henderson House, Canada's first office telephone company (Bell Canada's predecessor), and was transferred to the museum's original location in downtown Brantford. Today, it is operated by the Bell Homestead Society, and was designated a National Historic Site (1910)

>>>At its creation at its first meeting November 2, 1911 in Boston, brothers Telephone Pioneers of America member organization comprised of Bell its first charter. The organization has since grown to more than 600,000 people (1911).

>>>The Franklin Institute awarded Bell, Elliott Cresson Medal in the field of engineering for "electrical transmission of articulate speech" (1912)

>>>George Washington University awarded him an honorary degree (1913)

>>>The Royal Society awarded him the David Edward Hughes Medal for "an original discovery in the physical sciences, particularly electricity and magnetism or their applications" (1913)

>>>Dartmouth College awarded an honorary doctorate of law degree Doctor Bell (1913)

>>>The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers awarded him the Thomas Alva Edison Medal "for meritorious achievement in career science, electrical engineering, electrical or electrical arts" (1914)

>>>Bell, celebrity, New York, solemnly inaugurated U.S. transcontinental telephone system on the first call by a widely reported to his former assistant Thomas Watson in San Francisco, during which Watson joked that Bell could hear "much better now" (1915)

>>>Dr. John H. Finley, founder of the American Red Cross Junior and New York State Commissioner of Education, Bell presented the Medal of Honor Civic Forum Distinguished Public Carnegie Hall (1917)

>>>The Governor General of Canada, Victor Cavendish, 9th Duke of Devonshire, unveiled the Bell Telephone Memorial (photo below) erected in honor of the city of Bell Telephone (Brantford, ON) Alexander Graham Bell Gardens within the City of Brantford network of public parks (1917).           

>>>Bell launches School Alexander Graham Bell in Chicago, Illinois. The primary school was founded in 1917 with 24 classrooms for hearing students and 15 classrooms for deaf students, after the Chicago School Board has allocated U.S. $ 285,000 for it in 1915 (approximately $ 6.55 million in current dollars). The school, one of the largest built in the public school system of Chicago at the time, opened a year earlier.(1918)

>>>The City of Edinburgh made ​​him a Burgess and Bell honored with his citizenship during his final price "farewell visit" to Europe (1920). He was accompanied by his wife, Mabel, and her granddaughter and Secretary Mabel H. Grosvenor.

posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 17:29  

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