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Sunday 16 September 2012
Nicknames And Branding

Nicknames And Branding

AT & T was also known as "Ma Bell" and affectionately called "Mother" by phone phreaks. During the strikes of employees, picketers would wear t-shirts reading, "Ma Bell is a real mother." It should also be noted that before the break, there was a greater consumer recognition of the "Bell System "name, in comparison with the name aT & T. This has prompted the company to launch an advertising campaign after the break to increase his notoriety. Impacts such as regional operating companies, or RBOCs Bell s were often called "Baby Bells." Ironically, "Ma Bell" was acquired by one of its "Baby Bells", SBC Communications, in 2005.

The symbol AT & T Globe, [16] the company logo designed by Saul Bass in 1983, was dubbed the "Death Star" in reference to Star Wars. In 1999, it was changed from design to design 12 lines 8 lines. Again in 2005, it was changed to 3D transparent "marble" design created by Interbrand for use by the parent company AT & T Inc. The name was also given to the iconic Bell Labs facility in Holmdel, New Jersey now vacant.
posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 14:19  

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