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Thursday 30 August 2012
Early Development In Telephone

The Early Development

>>>1844 - Innocenzo Manzetti first mooted the idea of ​​a "speaking telegraph" or telephone. Use the "talking telegraph and monikers" the telegraph "would eventually be replaced by newer and distinct name," phone " .

>>>August 26, 1854 - Charles Bourseul published an article in the magazine L'Illustration (Paris): "The electrical transmission of speech" (electrical transmission of speech), describing the issuer of a "make-and-break" type phone later, created by Johann Reis.

>>>26 October 1861 - Johann Philipp Reis (1834-1874) publicly demonstrated the Reis telephone before the Physical Society of Frankfurt.

>>>22 August 1865, La Feuille d'Aosta reported "It is said that English technicians to whom Mr. Manzetti illustrated his method for transmitting spoken words on the telegraph wire intend to apply said invention in England on several private telegraph lines." However there are phones can show that in 1876, with a range of phones from Bell.

>>>28 December 1871 - Antonio Meucci files reserve Patent No. 3335 in U.S. Patent Office titled "Sound Telegraph", describing communication of voice between two people by wire. A "warning of the patent is not an invention patent granted, but only a notice of unverified filed by a person that he or she intends to file a regular patent application in the future.

>>>1874 - Meucci, after having renewed the caveat for two years does not renew it again, and the caveat failures.

>>>6 April 1875 - Bell U.S. Patent 161,739 "Transmitters and Receivers for Electric Telegraphs" is granted. It uses multiple vibrating steel reeds in make-break circuits.

>>>11 February 1876 - Gray invents a liquid transmitter for use with a telephone but does not build.

>>>14 February 1876 - Elisha Gray files a patent caveat for transmitting the human voice through a telegraphic circuit.

>>>14 February 1876 - Alexander Bell applies for patents "improved Telegraphy", for electromagnetic telephones using what is now known as amplitude modulation (oscillating current and voltage), but he spoke of "current wave. "

>>>19 February 1876 - Gray is notified by the U.S. Patent Office of an interference between the opposition and Bell's patent application. Gray decides to abandon his caveat.

>>>7 March 1876 - Bell U.S. patent 174,465 "Improvement in Telegraphy" is granted, covering "the method and apparatus for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphic style ... by causing electrical undulations, similar in form to the vibrations air accompanying the vocal or other sound. "

>>>March 10, 1876 - The first successful telephone transmission of clear speech using a liquid transmitter when Bell spoke into his device, "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you." And Watson heard each word distinctly.

>>>January 30, 1877 - Bell U.S. patent 186,787 is granted for an electromagnetic telephone using permanent magnets, iron diaphragms, and a call bell.

>>>27 April 1877 - Edison files for a patent on a carbon (graphite) transmitter. The patent 474,230 was granted 3 May 1892, after a period of 15 years due to a dispute. Edison was granted patent 222,390 for the carbon granules transmitter in 1879.

posted by deepak_sodhi007 @ 17:06  

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